In the world of clay: The art of creating ceramics in Amantenago del Valle

Amatenango del Valle is a town in southern Mexico in the state of Chiapas, located 40 km from San Cristobal de Las Casas. Amatenango is famous throughout Mexico and the world for its unique clay products, which are decorated with small, very characteristic patterns.
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Amatenango del Valle
They are so unique that if you ever come across them somewhere else, you will know that the product comes from here. The people living in this town are the Tzetzal community, who speak the language of the same name. The craft tradition here dates back to pre-Columbian times. Pottery is mainly done by women, who pass on the tradition and knowledge from generation to generation. Even as little girls, they create their first cups or the famous jaguars, playing with clay like plasticine. Women from Amatenango wear traditional costumes, which are characterized by a red and orange huipil, a blue headscarf and a navy blue skirt. Another costume from this town is a white blouse with a lace top and a colorful apron.
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The clay itself comes from the area around the town and is transported to Amatenango in 20-kilogram bags. It is then rummaged and mixed with sand. No potter's wheel is used; the shapes are created by hand, adding more and more clay.
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After the modeling process, several days are waited for the item to dry completely, after which the smoothing process begins. The figure is ground with a small stone. Then the vessels are put into the kiln and fired.
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Until 2017, the firing of vessels took place outdoors. A fire was lit in front of the house, and objects molded from clay were placed around it. This was very dangerous and harmful to health. In 2017, the State School of Ceramics began a project aimed at building kilns for families from Amatenango involved in ceramics. This project introduced a huge change in the work of craftsmen, not only helping them in the entire process, but also spreading and promoting the extraordinary art of this community. After the firing process, decoration takes place, which is the most intricate and meticulous stage of working with clay. Small dots and lines are applied to the vessels and decorations with a thin brush, creating unique patterns.
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It is impossible to find two identical products. The most popular and characteristic product that is created in the Amatenango workshops is the clay jaguar. In Chiapas, it has a very important meaning and is a symbol of strength and power. The second such product is the chickens (or doves, judge for yourself), which are ubiquitous in San Cristobal de las Casas.