The de la Cruz family runs a small workshop in Mexico, in the province of Chiapas, where our handbags are made. Chiapas is famous in Mexico for the production of leather goods, which is why the de la Cruz family has been working with leather for many generations. However, their products differ significantly from others, primarily in quality and designs. Each product is made by hand with exact care, each is also different, each bag has its own unique pattern, which depends only on the artist.

The idea to make other, unique products was born in 1997. Then Elias de la Cruz said that by copying the same products for many years, the family would never succeed. As he claims, this did not meet with the approval of all family members, some considered it too risky, they were afraid that they would lose their skin for products that would later fail to sell. However, he decided to take a risk. And as it turns out, it was the right decision. Currently, 5 people work in the workshop, Elias deals with sales and quality control himself. He is very proud of what his family does, each product and the fact that while maintaining the family tradition, he managed to create something different.
Today, in the workshop of Mr. Cruz, the most beautiful bags that can be found in the entire state of Chiapas are created! Each bag coming out of his and his associates' hands is a carefully finished leather product, extremely refined in every inch.